100K Horizontal Centrifugal Casting Machines - Roll

The Model 100K Series Hori- zontal Centrifugal casting ma- chines are designed to produce a variety of castings for the steel mill roll industry.
Castings produced in a hori- zontal axis approach 100% material yield and requires no gates or risers producing a “True Centrifugal” casting.
These trunnion type machines utilize permanent steel molds, sand lined flasks, & Chills.
Types of castings that can be produced
- Steel Mill Rolls
- Forming Rolls
- Extrusion Billets
- Ship shaft liners
- Bi-Metal Rolls
- Alloy Tubes
- Reformer Tubes
- Bushing Stock
Standard Equipment specifications
Spinner Base Assembly
Chill Thrust Assembly
ASL-20HD Spray Assembly
Operators Control Console
Pouring Car Assembly
Drive Unit Assembly
Variable Speed Drive Controls
Touch Screen Controls